The Real Cost of Neglecting Your Roof Replacement

The Real Cost of Neglecting Your Roof Replacement

The Real Cost of Neglecting Your Roof Replacement

The roof on our house is something that we don’t pay attention to unless we absolutely have to. Even then, it’s common for homeowners to put off necessary roof replacement. But what happens when they decide to do that? Does it matter? In most instances, yes; it does. Take a look at some of the consequences of neglecting roof replacement. 

Liability Risk

If your roof is damaged, anything can cause it to further deteriorate. This includes inclement weather. Inclement weather can cause loose shingles to fall off the roof and create a safety risk for those around your house. If any of your shingles fall off your roof and hit a person walking by, you could be looking at a lawsuit. 

Financial Risk

When you put off replacing your roof for too long, your insurance company may deny your claim. This means that you could be looking at having to replace your roof 100% out of pocket. Also, if you choose not to replace your roof,  your current one will likely need more and more repairs. What it would cost to maintain your damaged roof will exceed the cost of having it replaced. 

Safety Risk

A severely damaged roof poses several safety risks. It exposes the house to the elements, and that can mean leaks, mold growth, and rot. When these things happen, people in your home can be exposed to diseases that are associated with mold and still water. In the most extreme cases, your roof could collapse and cause severe injury or death to people inside of the home. 

Reduced Energy Efficiency 

A damaged roof allows warm air to escape the home and allows cold air into the house. This means that you will be forced to crank up the heat in the winter to compensate for the loss of heat and crank the air conditioning up in the summer. As a result, your energy bill will significantly increase. 

Don’t Wait Until it’s Too Late

If your roof is severely damaged and needs to be replaced, let Maryland’s Best Remodeling handle it for you. Getting a new roof doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. As a Howard County roofing contractor, we pride ourselves on our affordable pricing and special financing. You could receive a new roof from Maryland’s Best Remodeling starting at just $69 a month. 

Request your free estimate today!

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